What makes
Bold Park different

Our unique approach to education

At its core, our school holds the right of children and young adults to an educational environment that sustains a bold and joyful approach to learning. By promoting creativity and real-world experiences, we connect learning to the life of our community, making it meaningful and creating a sense of belonging. Through mutual respect, our students understand both how to be brave with their voices and what it means to participate in a democratic environment.

These eight core values underpin our School philosophy and encompass our understanding about childhood, care, and education.

Every child is unique

Each child is uniquely situated in the context of family and culture, bringing prior knowledge, skills, and experiences. This context significantly influences what they notice about the environment and how they organise and interpret it. We uphold the rights and potential of all our children to become contributing members of a group that values them for who they are. Developing respectful relationships with children and families is central to our approach.

Mutual Respect

Education and care is a cooperative and collaborative process between the children, families and staff. All are considered vital and active participants. Through a culture of mutual respect, we can promote the rights and potentials of all these members of our community.

Knowledge and Understanding

Children actively construct knowledge and understanding in response to interactions with their environment and the social relationships that surround them. Therefore, we best promote children’s growth and development by providing authentic and meaningful experiences and social relationships.


We prioritise learning opportunities that build collaboration skills as knowledge and understanding grow from learning with and from others. Educators should also be immersed in a collaborative environment to support their growth and learning.

Authentic & Meaningful Learning

Authentic learning relates to the real life of our community and what matters to our children. Meaningful learning occurs best through an approach that listens to children through their voices, gestures and inquiries..

Power of the Arts

There are many ways to learn, communicate and understand the world. Artistic forms of knowing allow people to see beyond their worlds and “what is” into other worlds of “possibility”. We value the power of the arts to bring young children’s ‘voices’ to the community.


Place and nature connect us to the local and global community. Thoughtful actions can positively impact the world and communities around us. We believe in providing experiences that connect our children to the natural world and surrounding communities.


The intentional organisation, management and design of environments, materials and relationships can impact the quality of the care and educational environment. We seek to establish stable groupings of children and educators, reflected in how we organise our classes and staffing.

Philosophies which underpin our approach

Social Constructivism

Bold Park Community School’s innovative educational philosophy seeks to consider the whole child in the context of a community of learners. We strive to provide a learning environment that promotes mutual respect, shared learning, creativity, imagination, problem solving and participation in the life of the community.


At its roots, BPCS continues to embrace the educational theory of social constructivism, inspired by the educational practice of educators in Reggio Emilia. Social constructivism proposes that knowledge is actively constructed by learners in response to interactions with their environment and that meaning and understanding grow out of social encounters. The child is active in this process and the image of the child as strong and capable supports us in our social constructivist practice.


At BPCS we consider children, as unique individuals who are powerful contributors to their own learning, not empty vessels ready to be filled with knowledge. For this reason purposeful learning experiences where students share, brainstorm, debate, reflect upon, critique and create together, and that touch their interest, curiosity or motivation to learn are pursued as the curriculum outcomes are woven throughout projects and learning experiences.


Social Constructivist practise can be seen first hand in our whole class meetings, a small group word study lesson, a brainstorm session to design a frog pond in the school grounds or when a group of students is reflecting upon and writing about the success of their school drama and dance production.


Our approach to learning with a collaborative, project-based mind-set is well summarised in this brief video on Authentic Project-Based Learning.

Reggio Emilia

Bold Park Community School’s innovative educational philosophy seeks to consider the whole child in the context of a community of learners. We strive to provide a learning environment that promotes mutual respect, shared learning, creativity, imagination, problem solving and participation in the life of the community.


At its roots, BPCS continues to embrace the educational theory of social constructivism, inspired by the educational practice of educators in Reggio Emilia. Social constructivism proposes that knowledge is actively constructed by learners in response to interactions with their environment and that meaning and understanding grow out of social encounters. The child is active in this process and the image of the child as strong and capable supports us in our social constructivist practice.


At BPCS we consider children, as unique individuals who are powerful contributors to their own learning, not empty vessels ready to be filled with knowledge. For this reason purposeful learning experiences where students share, brainstorm, debate, reflect upon, critique and create together, and that touch their interest, curiosity or motivation to learn are pursued as the curriculum outcomes are woven throughout projects and learning experiences.


Social Constructivist practise can be seen first hand in our whole class meetings, a small group word study lesson, a brainstorm session to design a frog pond in the school grounds or when a group of students is reflecting upon and writing about the success of their school drama and dance production.


Our approach to learning with a collaborative, project-based mind-set is well summarised in this brief video on Authentic Project-Based Learning.

Nature Education

Bold Park Community School’s innovative educational philosophy seeks to consider the whole child in the context of a community of learners. We strive to provide a learning environment that promotes mutual respect, shared learning, creativity, imagination, problem solving and participation in the life of the community.


At its roots, BPCS continues to embrace the educational theory of social constructivism, inspired by the educational practice of educators in Reggio Emilia. Social constructivism proposes that knowledge is actively constructed by learners in response to interactions with their environment and that meaning and understanding grow out of social encounters. The child is active in this process and the image of the child as strong and capable supports us in our social constructivist practice.


At BPCS we consider children, as unique individuals who are powerful contributors to their own learning, not empty vessels ready to be filled with knowledge. For this reason purposeful learning experiences where students share, brainstorm, debate, reflect upon, critique and create together, and that touch their interest, curiosity or motivation to learn are pursued as the curriculum outcomes are woven throughout projects and learning experiences.


Social Constructivist practise can be seen first hand in our whole class meetings, a small group word study lesson, a brainstorm session to design a frog pond in the school grounds or when a group of students is reflecting upon and writing about the success of their school drama and dance production.


Our approach to learning with a collaborative, project-based mind-set is well summarised in this brief video on Authentic Project-Based Learning.

Place-based learning

Bold Park Community School’s innovative educational philosophy seeks to consider the whole child in the context of a community of learners. We strive to provide a learning environment that promotes mutual respect, shared learning, creativity, imagination, problem solving and participation in the life of the community.


At its roots, BPCS continues to embrace the educational theory of social constructivism, inspired by the educational practice of educators in Reggio Emilia. Social constructivism proposes that knowledge is actively constructed by learners in response to interactions with their environment and that meaning and understanding grow out of social encounters. The child is active in this process and the image of the child as strong and capable supports us in our social constructivist practice.


At BPCS we consider children, as unique individuals who are powerful contributors to their own learning, not empty vessels ready to be filled with knowledge. For this reason purposeful learning experiences where students share, brainstorm, debate, reflect upon, critique and create together, and that touch their interest, curiosity or motivation to learn are pursued as the curriculum outcomes are woven throughout projects and learning experiences.


Social Constructivist practise can be seen first hand in our whole class meetings, a small group word study lesson, a brainstorm session to design a frog pond in the school grounds or when a group of students is reflecting upon and writing about the success of their school drama and dance production.


Our approach to learning with a collaborative, project-based mind-set is well summarised in this brief video on Authentic Project-Based Learning.

Brain research

Bold Park Community School’s innovative educational philosophy seeks to consider the whole child in the context of a community of learners. We strive to provide a learning environment that promotes mutual respect, shared learning, creativity, imagination, problem solving and participation in the life of the community.


At its roots, BPCS continues to embrace the educational theory of social constructivism, inspired by the educational practice of educators in Reggio Emilia. Social constructivism proposes that knowledge is actively constructed by learners in response to interactions with their environment and that meaning and understanding grow out of social encounters. The child is active in this process and the image of the child as strong and capable supports us in our social constructivist practice.


At BPCS we consider children, as unique individuals who are powerful contributors to their own learning, not empty vessels ready to be filled with knowledge. For this reason purposeful learning experiences where students share, brainstorm, debate, reflect upon, critique and create together, and that touch their interest, curiosity or motivation to learn are pursued as the curriculum outcomes are woven throughout projects and learning experiences.


Social Constructivist practise can be seen first hand in our whole class meetings, a small group word study lesson, a brainstorm session to design a frog pond in the school grounds or when a group of students is reflecting upon and writing about the success of their school drama and dance production.


Our approach to learning with a collaborative, project-based mind-set is well summarised in this brief video on Authentic Project-Based Learning.

See the Difference

"My child is happy and absolutely loves going to school at Bold Park. I love how the School puts my child’s welfare before anything else."


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E-mail: CommunityEngagement@BoldPark.com
Phone: +61 8 9387 5050

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